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Monday, January 31, 2005

A consolidation debt loan could be the answer!


A consolidation debt loan can temporarily help you find monthly debt relief. They help you manage your credit debt. By all means this is not an end all answer to your credit problem. However with the proper mindset and discipline of budgeting, one can get their credit under control. "

Shopping the best online loans for refinance

Shopping the best online loans for refinance: "HOW TO SHOP FOR THE BEST ONLINE LOANS:
Finding The Best Online Loans From Lenders and Brokers

Refinance online loans are available from several types of online lenders...thrift institutions, commercial banks, mortgage companies, and credit unions. These lenders may quote you different prices, so you should contact several lenders to make sure you�re getting the best price."

Tips on finding the best mortgage rate

Tips on finding the best mortgage rate: "WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW WHEN COMPARING THE BEST MORTGAGE RATE
When comparing refinance loans for the best mortgage rate from several lenders or brokers be sure to have the loan agent explain the various types of loans available. It's probably best even for you to do a little homework on your own and get basic information on various loans. It will also take much of your time find the right lender who you can trust and do business with, so take your time. "

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Free annual credit report

Free annual credit report: "FREE ANNUAL CREDIT REPORT:

On December 1, 2004 the free annual credit reports is now in effect after Congress passed the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003. That means the three major credit bureaus are required by law to issue free credit reports once a year. Consumers can request their reports online, by telephone or mail"

Your Credit Report Personal Information

Your Credit Report Personal Information: "Here Is Some Basic Information On Your Credit Report
For personal information: your name and aliases, social security number , current and past addresses, employers past and present, how many credit inquiries were made in the last 60 days and public records and credit score.
The creditors segment show listings for current open accounts, closed accounts and derogatory accounts. They are further listed with the creditors name, account number, current balance, minimum monthly payment, last payment made, history of any 30 60 90 lates, past due payments, etc.
These reports are updated by the credit reporting agencies such as Equifax who have partnered with your creditors once a month. The results you review will help you improve your personal information and score.
You can get a free report or purchase one.
To really get the FULL picture on your credit history, order a 3 in 1 credit-report. Not only will you get your complete history BUT your credit fico scores which are necessary to know where you are rated in the credit world. Review the following for your online credit report. "

Sure Fire Steps To Improve Credit Score

8 Sure Fire Steps To Improve Credit Score: "Anyone Can Improve Credit Score Ratings With These 8 Sure Fire Tactics!
Here's 8 simple tips on how to improve credit score ratings:"

Inside the website there is a ton of credit debt finance articles that key into how you can start paying off debt and getting your credit life organized and primed for a debt free life.

How to fix your credit debt finance problems and become debt FREE.

Best solutions to quickly improve your credit debt finance problems.: "If you are confused about your credit debt finance problems but don't know where to start!...You've come to the right place.

Welcome! There are hundreds of people everyday who feel frustrated and often times feel powerless to know what to do about getting their credit under control. With current unstable economic times now, it is easy to see how we fall into the credit trap. "

Saturday, January 29, 2005

8 Sure Fire Steps To Improve Credit Score

8 Sure Fire Steps To Improve Credit Score: "Anyone Can Improve Credit Score Ratings With These 8 Sure Fire Tactics!
Here's 8 simple tips on how to improve credit score ratings:

1 - Pay all your bills on time
Payments received after the due date jeopardize your credit score because creditors automatically send updated reports to credit reporting agencies. TIP: Pay your bills before the grace period BEGINS! Credit Deptments are overwhelmed with the workload don't trust they will post your payment on time. This will help to improve credit score.
2 - Correct mistakes on your credit report
Check your report 2 times per year. Look for incorrect reporting on your credit report. Finding mistakes early will help you avoid costly mistakes in the future when it's time to get qualified for a loan or large credit purchase.
3 - Keep your balances 25% to no more 30% of your high limit
If your total approved credit line is $1500, do not to exceed $750. Keep the balance at 30% or $500 in this example. Do this and your credit score will be excellent. Potential creditors want to see responsibiitly in the way you manage your credit. This will definitely help improve credit score.
4 - Avoid the temptation to open new credit accounts
A simple rule: The more open credit cards the higher the risk.
5 - Be ruthless; reduce your credit card balances!
Make larger payments towards high interest creditors first until the account is fully paid off. Then start with the next high interests creditor. Continue until all credit is paid off or paid down.
6 - Use and keep only the credit accounts you need
This common sense rule is simple enough. Lessen temptation of additional credit and save. "

Rapid rescore instantly can improve credit scores

Rapid rescore instantly can improve credit scores: "IS 72 HOURS ENOUGH TIME FOR YOU?
Known only to lenders and brokers, rapid re-scoring will very quickly get those unwanted erroneous, obsolete and unverified derogatory items off your credit report from Equifax, TransUnion and Experian.
This can be done in as little as 72 hours. The results of an increase credit scrore will undoubtably increase your chances of getting a better loan! "

A Check List On How To Read A Credit Report

A Check List On How To Read A Credit Report: "How To Read A Credit Report And Boost Your Score!
Now Let's Learn How To Read A Credit Report And Break It Down!.......find out by clicking on

Here is a check list on how to read a credit report. The goal is to check for the accurracy of what is currently posted on your credit report. "

Why You Need To Review And Check Credit Report Items

Why You Need To Review And Check Credit Report Items: "Review And Check Credit Report Findings
Check Credit Report Items For Accuracy And You Help Yourself To Improve Your Score.

To check credit report items you can possibily discover inaccuracies on your credit report and can send credit report dispute letters so your creditors can investigate for removal. It is a common occurance that your creditor may give incorrect information to your credit bureau. There are many reasons such as late mail, misplaced statements, etc. As a result any potential creditor, insurance company or employer only sees what's being reported. They cannot determine if it is correct or incorrect and they will only take what is at face value. Therefore the responsibility is for you to make sure that the information listed on your credit report is up to date and accurate."

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Debt elimination in 7 and 1/2 years!

Debt elimination in 7 and 1/2 years!: "DEBT ELIMINATION: HOW TO DO IT 7.5 YEARS WITH YOUR PRESENT INCOME!
You Don't Find Your Credit Card or Lenders Teaching Debt Elimination , Why?

The KEY to this potent debt elimination concept is that 10% portion of your income will be temporarily set aside to pay extra on your bills in a very specific sequence"

Free Debt Solutions Ideas

Free Debt Solutions Ideas: "The Purpose of a Debt Solutions Program

A debt management solution plan will educate you on your personal financial management. It will cover important areas that range from learning to be a: smarter credit consumer, practical budgeter, smarter saver and how to handle debt problems. As a result you learn more about financial principles, how they apply to you, and how to use the simple techniques to manage your finances successfully."

A consolidation debt loan could be the answer!

A consolidation debt loan could be the answer!: "LOANS THAT CONSOLIDATE DEBT

A consolidation debt loan can temporarily help you find monthly debt relief. They help you manage your credit debt. By all means this is not an end all answer to your credit problem. However with the proper mindset and discipline of budgeting, one can get their credit under control. "

Are you in the market for a consolidation debt loan?...read this first!

A consolidation debt loan could be the answer!

Buyer beware!!


Motley Fools.com

The Lies Lenders Tell
Now that you have the right to a free peek into your credit file, you might be surprised by what everyone's saying about you. It's easier than ever to set the record straight. But you might not want to after all. Some of those boo-boos may boost your credit score.

By Dayana Yochim (TMF School)
December 6, 2004

Last week under the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA), one quarter of the nation had the opportunity to take a free peek into their credit file. So that's what that keening yowl coming from the West Coast was all about.

If the consumer studies are right, then nearly 80% of the records pulled contained errors. According to a 2004 survey by the Public Interest Research Group (PIRG), one in four of those blunders was bad enough to make a lender do a double take and demur from a business relationship. Credit industry studies show that the incidents of inaccuracies are much lower.

Whether PIRG's figures represent the norm or whether the industry's own horn-tooting is in key really doesn't matter. What's most important is that your credit file contents accurately represent your history. The funny thing is, some of those boo-boos may actually be boosting your score.

Why bother?
If it seems like practically everyone's sizing you up by your credit history, that's because, well, they are. Your credit report is no longer some dusty old document occasionally updated by your hometown banker or your longtime car loan guy. According to the Federal Trade Commission, over the course of a typical workday about 2 million credit reports are requested by companies going about their business.

Everyone from your insurer to a potential employer consults your credit file. One Minnesota groom-to-be caught his mother-in-law-to-be illegally rifling through his private credit stuff. Lenders, landlords, collection agencies, credit card companies, cable TV companies, cell phone providers, ISPs -- seems like everyone wants to know your secrets before they'll commit. It's only a matter of time before we see ads in the personals claiming: "SWM w/FICO 773, loves cats, opera, long walks on the beach, low interest rates...."

Whether you agree or not, companies have found correlations between how you handle your finances and how good of a customer/driver/employee/bill payer you'll be to them. Defaulted on a few loans? You'll pay for your slacker ways when it comes time to insure your car. Frequently hopping from one credit card to the next? That might be telling about your inability to commit -- not a good sign to an employer who prizes allegiance above all else.

If a business can prove it has a "permissible purpose" for checking your credit file, it will. Don't expect the credit reporting agencies to discourage it, either. The admission charge is their bread and butter business. Take a moment to be outraged that trade of your private information is padding executive retirement packages. But don't furrow that brow too long. It's in each credit reporting agency's best interest to be the source of the most accurate information. Those who deliver consistently stellar goods will become the industry gold standard -- the Kleenex brand to competitors' quickly disintegrating tissue.

Thanks to FACT Act, credit-reporting agencies now have to play "nice" with one another. The legislation requires that they share more information than ever -- such as alerting competitors when a consumer reports credit fraud -- and that what they share must adhere to a similar format. Information is flying fast, and some smaller niche reporting companies are still in the dark ages of paper and email data collection. That's no small feat: More than 100,000 entities funnel information to the credit reporting agencies, adding 2 billion pieces of information each month.

Oh, and guess what? It's up to you to double-check everyone's work.

Legislators are aware of the consumer's burden in cleaning up credit problems, and they included a number of provisions in FACT Act to help individuals right any wrongs. Perhaps the biggest change is that if you spot an error, you can now take your case directly to the reporting entity (credit card company, utility bill department) instead of relying on a middle man (the credit reporting bureaus) to handle your case.

So what blunders did West Coast consumers find in their records last week?

Little flub-ups
The majority of credit reporting errors -- even those reported by the most damning accuracy studies -- are minor and have little or no bearing on your standing in the banking world. Things like name misspellings, wrong apartment numbers, and slightly off employment history can usually be corrected with one phone call directly to the credit-reporting agency.

Most of what's wrong is missing information. There are several reasons why your true borrowing history may not be reflected in your file.

Sins of omission: Some smaller-store charge cards may not report credit activity. So your 10-year Puppy Palace Charge (where you earn Pet Points) won't even appear under your active accounts. Many lenders fail to report payment information.

You might not want to keep mum about invisible accounts and missing payment data. The lack of information can make you look lame to lenders. If most of your accounts have no payment reporting information and you are a stickler about on-time payments, a potential creditor can't tell whether you're a good or a bad bet.

If your credit file is thin, call your nonreporting lenders and ask them to communicate more information about your account, if possible. And remember, just because information does not appear on one of your credit reports doesn't mean that it's not included on another. Reporting companies aren't required to share information with all three major credit bureaus -- or any of them, for that matter.

Hibernating accounts: If you fail to use an open account for a while it may go into a deep sleep in your credit file. (Remember that Discover card you opened to get those airline miles you needed for your Hawaii trip?) A lender who has no payment information to report will simply stop reporting to the credit bureaus. (The timeframe varies from lender to lender.)

Don't assume that all's well on an old, unused account. Check up on it occasionally -- make sure you don't owe some annual fee or that the card is being used fraudulently and the bills sent elsewhere. If you truly doubt you'll ever use the card and it's not one of your oldest accounts, consider closing it. But beware of canceling credit cards willy-nilly. Doing so may actually hurt your FICO score. (Here's more on which cards to fold and which ones to hold.)

Keeping secrets from competitors: A surprising number of lenders choose to withhold reporting consumer credit limits. Keeping this information out of your file is not necessarily an innocent oversight. Without that key piece of data, competitors are less likely to poach clients by floating pre-approved offers your way. On the other hand, if most of your credit or charge cards have very low limits and those limits are not reported, you may actually look better in the eyes of a potential lender.

If you want your lender to report your limits, call and ask. Sometimes it is company policy not to report, but at least you can try.

Fortuitous boo-boos: Not every inaccuracy has a negative effect on your score. Send a thank-you note to your Mastercard if it missed reporting a late payment or two. Is some business claiming you've been a customer for longer than you actually have been? Has a past creditor forgotten to mention to the credit bureaus that you're no longer a customer? Such mistakes can actually improve your credit standing by overstating how good of a borrower you are. You can keep mum and pretend you didn't see their errors, but don't be surprised when a company finally sets your record straight.

Cut out the middle man
Despite the new legislation, the mandated consumer credit report freebies, the opening lines of communication between reporting agencies, and the lovely winter air, there's still one big hurdle that remains firmly entrenched in the system: It is nearly impossible for Equifax, TransUnion, or Experian to distinguish between accurate and inaccurate data provided by a reporting company.

This is what you might call "a big bummer." For example, let's say Visa reports that you paid them late a few months ago. Under the old model you'd first tell the credit-reporting agency that Visa is wrong -- that you know you sent your check in on time. Under the old and new laws the credit bureau must investigate your claim within 30 days. To do so it turns to Visa and asks them to verify what it says about you. The computers over at Visa show that, yes, indeed, there's a late payment mark on your record. The credit reporting agency informs you that the late payment has been verified and that it will continue to mar your otherwise perfect record. Case closed. End of story.

The problem is that you really didn't miss the due date. They've got the wrong guy. It's not like you can simply ring up Gwen from Visa's accounts receivables and get Charlie from Credit Reporting Agency on the line for a three-way conference call. Visa's records show that you paid late. The credit reporting agency has no information saying otherwise -- and, no, all your whining does not count. It simply takes that black-and-white notation for face value and closes your dispute file.

Under the amendment to the Fair Credit Reporting Act you have the right to face your accuser -- in this case you can and should go directly to Visa to dispute its late-payment claim. (Here's a sample "Dear Lender" letter.) Your innocence can be proved with a canceled check, the record of an online bill payment or simply pointing out that it was someone with a similar name or account number who forgot to put his check in the mail on time.

When Visa has its "oopsy daisy!" moment, it is required to right its wrong with every credit reporting entity to which it reported the original misinformation, not just the one with which you first discovered the boo-boo. This is important (and why the editors italicized it). Unfortunately the onus is still on the consumer to make lenders tell the truth. But by getting to the root of the original problem -- and doing so just once, with the reporting company required to notify all involved parties -- errors will be corrected more efficiently.

Times when it makes sense to bypass the credit reporting agencies and go directly to the reporting entity include:

Disputing accounts opened in your name without your knowledge.
Removing public records that were expunged or expired.
Striking closed accounts that have no negative information tied to them.
Removing hard-credit inquiries that were not initiated by you.

If you do not get a positive resolution directly from the reporting company, go back through the information you submitted with a fine-toothed comb. Did you include your Social Security number? Did attach a copy of the receipt that shows you did pay your bill on time? Did you include your full name and signature? Sometimes it's the simplest things that stand in the way of you and the truth. (TrueCredit.com provides detailed information on the right way to file a dispute.)

Times to turn to the credit-reporting agency instead of the reporting entity include:

Righting erroneous personal information -- such as address, contact information, social security number, married or maiden name.
Getting contact information for a company that's providing information about you.
Remedying misinformation being reported about a closed or expired account. (Sometimes contacting the lender with whom you no longer have an active business arrangement can cause confusion.)
Removing information about someone else reported in your file.

If the credit reporting agency cannot verify reported information one way or another within 30 days, it will temporarily remove the item from your record until there is resolution. (Don't bother trying to beat the system by getting a loan during that small window where the misdeed appears to be unreported. It's hard to time, and it creates bad karma.)

After your stint as private investigator, personal lawyer, and professional phone tree operator -- no matter what happens, you, the consumer, have the last word. The Fair Credit Reporting Act made sure that individuals could provide a consumer statement telling their side of the story. If you were injured or suffered a disability and were unable to pay your bills for a while, make a note in your file. If you bought a radio online that arrived broken and the retailer wouldn't issue a refund so you stopped payment, spell it out. If some ugly records are related to an even uglier divorce, fess up.

Chances are the consumer statement will have little bearing on a lending decision from, say, a large credit card company. In that case your creditworthiness is being determined by an automated system. But in situations where you are in contact with a potential lender -- a mortgage broker or your car loan guy -- make sure you draw their attention to your well-worded official explanation.

Dayana Yochim isn't a fighter, except when it comes to righting credit-reporting wrongs. If needed, she'll enlist the army of Fools on the Consumer Credit discussion board to back her up.

Recent Articles by Dayana Yochim
01/11/2005 - Note to Self: Plan Retirement
01/10/2005 - Got Debt? Go Ahead, Invest
01/07/2005 - How to Spend "Special" Money
01/06/2005 - Heal Your Financial Hangover
01/05/2005 - Are You Normal About Money?
The Motley Fool is investors writing for investors. To view Dayana Yochim's current stock holdings, check out his or her online personal profile.

Home Buyers or Homeowners...Find out about Rapid Rescore to improve credit scores

Rapid rescore instantly can improve credit scores: "Rapid Rescore: Improve Bad Credit Within 72 Hours
You need to read this rapid rescore article if you are a seeking to buy a house or you are a home owner wanting to refinance but your bad credit is preventing you from talking to a lender.

There are any number of bad credit home loans and bad credit mortgages that are available to....... "

Read more.....

8 Sure Fire Steps To Improve Credit Score

8 Sure Fire Steps To Improve Credit Score: "Anyone Can Improve Credit Score Ratings With These 8 Sure Fire Tactics!"

Article on Free annual credit report

Free annual credit report: "FREE ACCESS NOW TO PROTECT YOUR CREDIT
Do to security reasons you can go directly online and type www.annualcreditreport.com. This will take you to the website to order your report.
Also, here's more information from an article published by the FTC. For Release: June 4 , 2004 FTC Issues Final Rule on Free Annual Credit Reports
There is also a toll-free phone number: 877-322-8228. Finally you can write to P.O. Box 105281, Atlanta, GA 30348-5281. "

Now there's a Free annual credit report

Free annual credit report: "FREE ANNUAL CREDIT REPORT:

On December 1, 2004 the free annual credit reports is now in effect after Congress passed the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003. That means the three major credit bureaus are required by law to issue free credit reports once a year. Consumers can request their reports online, by telephone or mail."

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Free Debt Solutions Ideas

Free Debt Solutions Ideas: "DEBT SOLUTIONS:
You need debt solutions if you're feeling overwhelmed by your debts, have trouble making timely payments or even feel you're not getting ahead of your credit card debts. A debt management plan may be the answer controlling to your finances.
The Purpose of a Debt Solutions Program

A debt management solution plan will educate you on your personal financial management. It will cover important areas that range from learning to be a: smarter credit consumer, practical budgeter, smarter saver and how to handle debt problems. As a result you learn more about financial principles, how they apply to you, and how to use the simple techniques to manage your finances successfully. "

What it takes to get qualified in a debt relief program

What it takes to get qualified in a debt relief program: "Do You Have The Guts To Take On Debt Relief Program?..Sure You Do!
How Do You Qualify For A Debt Relief Program?

When qualifying for a debt relief program you will be asked to provide important information used determine if this type of plan will benefit you.
Usually the first step is to provide personal information and complete a budget analysis to determine if this is the right program for you."

How to Save Big $$$ Do-It-Yourself Credit Repair Kit

Credit Repair Kit: "Do It Yourself Credit Repair Kit Can Save You Big Money!
Before you go to a credit counselor find out how a Credit Repair Kit can save You over $500 to $700 for a service that You can do.

Isn't it frustrating and annoying to discover we have a bad credit being reported on our credit report.
Take this opportunity for constructive action and begin making corrections your credit.
Bad Credit Quick Solutions?
If you discovered an erroneous reporting on your credit report do you know how to dispute credit report mistakes?
Did you know that you can have a derogatory item temporarily taken off your credit report while in full dispute thereby improving your credit score?
Find out the secret to getting your score boosted in 24 hours?
There's a wealth of information available to be found in your local library, on magazines racks, on TV and radio BUT the internet offers the most accessible form of information available today."

How to dispute credit report items that incorrect, obselete and wrong!

Secret to dispute credit report items that incorrect, obselete and wrong!: "Secrets To Dispute Credit Report Items That Are Incorrect, Obselete and Wrong!
Dispute Credit Report Remarks

Fortunately under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), consumers have the right to dispute credit report remarks. If you 'reasonably believe' that your credit report to be inaccurate or incomplete this act requires the credit agencies to reinvestigate those disputed items within a 'reasonable period of time' which is interpreted by the Federal Trade Commission as thirty (30) days. If they find that the information was incorrect, obsolete or can no longer by verified, the information must be deleted or corrected. "

Get more information....click on the title

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Free annual credit report

Free annual credit report: "FREE ANNUAL CREDIT REPORT:

On December 1, 2004 the free annual credit reports is now in effect after Congress passed the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003. That means the three major credit bureaus are required by law to issue free credit reports once a year. Consumers can request their reports online, by telephone or mail. "

Your Credit Report Personal Information

Your Credit Report Personal Information: "Here Is Some Basic Information On Your Credit Report
For personal information: your name and aliases, social security number , current and past addresses, employers past and present, how many credit inquiries were made in the last 60 days and public records and credit score. "

Site Map for 101-credit-debt-finance.com

Site Map for 101-credit-debt-finance.com: "Site Map
Main Site

This Site Map is where you can find 101-credit-debt-finance.com information about helping to improve your credit situation. Feel free to browse around and click on any article or resource tha may interst you.

What is the fico score?

What is the fico score?: "Why is the fico score important and why should I know about it?
Fico Score: A Little History"

What is the fico score?

What is the fico score?: "Why is the fico score important and why should I know about it?
Fico Score: A Little History"

Monday, January 24, 2005

Equifax and Your credit score.

Equifax and Your credit score.: "YOUR EQUIFAX CREDIT SCORE:
What This Company Credit Report Score Means To You!!

Your equifax credit score is a number that tells a potential lender how well you manage your bills and what the likelihood of you paying them back. The score is actually calculated by the FICO score model. This score is also part of the scoring system that major banks, lenders and creditors use. Yes I know, it almost sounds like a test score when you were going to school!"

Why should I buy when I can get a free credit report?

Why should I buy when I can get a free credit report?: "The 3-in-1 Report is Recommended
Yes, this one you pay for! But there are good reasons to pay. For example the free credit report will only give you your history and not the score.
If you are trying to increase your credit score you need to know that number. The free report will not give you those numbers.
That's because the scoring system was devised by the credit industry to strictly be used by creditors and banks. But eventually the laws have changed this.
Also bear in mind when you are trying to improve your credit score, you will still need to re-order your report to see the new results. Besides you can only order a free credit report once per year. "

Your Credit Report Personal Information

Your Credit Report Personal Information: "Here Is Some Basic Information On Your Credit Report
For personal information: your name and aliases, social security number , current and past addresses, employers past and present, how many credit inquiries were made in the last 60 days and public records and credit score.
The creditors segment show listings for current open accounts, closed accounts and derogatory accounts. They are further listed with the creditors name, account number, current balance, minimum monthly payment, last payment made, history of any 30 60 90 lates, past due payments, etc. "

Rapid rescore instantly can improve credit scores

Rapid rescore instantly can improve credit scores: "ITEMS SUITED FOR DISPUTING
Unpaid collections, tax liens and judgments, deliquent accounts, discharged bankrutcy and any accounts showing a balance but have been paid or closed.
These are items that if reported incorrect, obsolete or inaccurate and you have proof they are wrong, that rapid rescore will quickly help you out. "

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Free annual credit report

Free annual credit report: "CREDIT REPORTS VS CREDIT SCORES

You'll find it in the Free Annual Credit Report----

Here is the main difference between credit reports and credit scores.
Credit reports are historical summaries that report credit limits, payment histories, past due accounts as well as public records.
Credit scores on the otherhand rate consumers from high-risk to low-risk. The higher the score, the lower the risk. "

Site Map for 101-credit-debt-finance.com

Site Map for 101-credit-debt-finance.com: "This Site Map is where you can find 101-credit-debt-finance.com information about helping to improve your credit situation. Feel free to browse around and click on any article or resource tha may interst you"

8 Sure Fire Steps To Improve Credit Score

8 Sure Fire Steps To Improve Credit Score: "Keep your balances 25% to no more 30% of your high limit
If your total approved credit line is $1500, do not to exceed $750. Keep the balance at 30% or $500 in this example. Do this and your credit score will be excellent. Potential creditors want to see responsibiitly in the way you manage your credit. This will definitely help improve credit score.
4 - Avoid the temptation to open new credit accounts
A simple rule: The more open credit cards the higher the risk.
5 - Be ruthless; reduce your credit card balances!
Make larger payments towards high interest creditors first until the account is fully paid off. Then start with the next high interests creditor. Continue until all credit is paid off or paid down.
6 - Use and keep only the credit accounts you need
This common sense rule is simple enough. Lessen temptation of additional credit and save. "

Best solutions to quickly improve your credit debt finance problems.

Best solutions to quickly improve your credit debt finance problems.: "THE SOLUTION
You can change your situation from a simple plan of action. This includes:

Creating a budget
Knowing your credit scrore
Understanding your credit report personal history
Having the resources to repair credit
Qualify for consolidation debt loans
Choosing a debt manangement program
Learning to manage your new found money.
Find out how to get a FREE credit report. "

Why should I buy when I can get a free credit report?

Why should I buy when I can get a free credit report?: "Should I Get A Free Credit Report or Buy One?
Two Ways You Get A Free Credit Report

1- If you were recently denied credit you can order from the credit reporting service. You will need the confirmation number and credit reporting agency telephone number to request it.
2- Congress has"

Equifax and Your credit score.

Equifax and Your credit score.: "YOUR EQUIFAX CREDIT SCORE:
What This Company Credit Report Score Means To You!!

Your equifax credit score is a number that tells a potential lender how well you manage your bills and what the likelihood of you paying them back. The score is actually calculated by the FICO score model. This score is also part of the scoring system that major banks, lenders and creditors use. Yes I know, it almost sounds like a test score when you were going to school! "

Why Is A Credit Score Important yet so confusing ?

Why Is A Credit Score Important yet so confusing ?: "How Important Is A Credit Score And Why Didn't My Mom Tell Me?

The importance of your credit score determines whether or not you get the best and lowest interest rates, the lowest insurance premium with the best coverage or get the job of your dreams!
In other words you have the potential to get a better deal."

Rapid rescore instantly can improve credit scores

Rapid rescore instantly can improve credit scores: "Rapid Rescore: Improve Bad Credit Within 72 Hours
You need to read this rapid rescore article if you are a seeking to buy a house or you are a home owner wanting to refinance but your bad credit is preventing you from talking to a lender."

Friday, January 21, 2005

Best solutions to quickly improve your credit debt finance problems.

Best solutions to quickly improve your credit debt finance problems.: "EDUCATE YOURSELF
No matter how serious your credit debt finance problems, your self education will help you fix credit debt problems. You will learn how to communicate with these folks and get action that you need.
Maybe you don't have poor credit but you have a minor issue you don't know where to begin?? The answers can be found through out this website.
Become debt free"

8 Sure Fire Steps To Improve Credit Score

1 - You are qualified for a credit report free if you were denied credit in the last 60 days. Be sure to have the credit reporting agency name, confirmation number and a telephone number. Call the CRA and request your copy.
Note: For information on credit agencies click on CREDIT REPORT
OR order a 3-BUREAU CREDIT REPORT for your complete credit history which includes your credit score. CreditReporting.com will show you what's in your report today.
2 - Get an online credit repair kit tool. Most programs offer lifetime memberships that teach you all areas of credit repair, including your consumer rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Participate in forums and get expert advice. There are a number of online companies that offer this type of service. "

A consolidation debt loan could be the answer!

A consolidation debt loan could be the answer!: "NON HOMEOWNERS
Don't own a home? You can get an unsecured loan through your credit union, finance or online loans service. Although your interest rate will not be the lowest it will still be lower than all of your accumulated credit debts you own. Better yet, the benefit of paying every creditor off is now you only have one payment to make and will be able to manage and save money. "

Tips on finding the best mortgage rate

Tips on finding the best mortgage rate: "FOR THE BEST MORTGAGE RATE, DO YOUR HOMEWORK FIRST
When comparing refinance loans for the best mortgage rate from several lenders or brokers be sure to have the loan agent explain the various types of loans available. It's probably best even for you to do a little homework on your own and get basic information on various loans. It will also take much of your time find the right lender who you can trust and do business with, so take your time"

What is the fico score?

What is the fico score?: "Why is the fico score important and why should I know about it?
Fico Score: A Little History

In Credit Score it was explained that credit agencies gathering your credit information and use large databases to calculate your rate, which happens to be the fico. "

Free annual credit report

Free annual credit report: "FREE ACCESS NOW TO PROTECT YOUR CREDIT
Do to security reasons you can go directly online and type www.annualcreditreport.com. This will take you to the website to order your report.
Also, here's more information from an article published by the FTC. For Release: June 4 , 2004 FTC Issues Final Rule on Free Annual Credit Reports
There is also a toll-free phone number: 877-322-8228. Finally you can write to P.O. Box 105281, Atlanta, GA 30348-5281. "

Why Is A Credit Score Important yet so confusing ?

Why Is A Credit Score Important yet so confusing ?: "How Important Is A Credit Score And Why Didn't My Mom Tell Me?

The importance of your credit score determines whether or not you get the best and lowest interest rates, the lowest insurance premium with the best coverage or get the job of your dreams! "

Your Credit Report Personal Information

Your Credit Report Personal Information: "DO YOU REALLY KNOW ABOUT YOUR CREDIT REPORT?

A credit report is a history of your credit as reported by creditors you currently are using or have used in the past"

Thursday, January 20, 2005

What can Debt Management do for me?

What can Debt Management do for me?: "WHAT CAN DEBT MANAGEMENT DO FOR ME?
If you're in financial distress, debt management companies, also known as credit counseling, will work with your creditors to restructure your unsecured debt. "

A consolidation debt loan could be the answer!

A consolidation debt loan could be the answer!: "HOMEOWNERS
If you are a homeowner the best help debt solution is to refinance your home by using the equity created in your house if that's possible. It's best to get payoff the 1st and/or 2nd mortgage and with the same loan, payoff all the creditors you owe. Close all these credit cards with the exception of two cards. Pay those two cards on time, restablish your credit history and improve your credit report scores! The internet offers a wide variety of online loans for you to choose. "

Tips on finding the best mortgage rate

Tips on finding the best mortgage rate: "BUYER BEWARE
Beware of the vague answers or switching tactics that the mortgage industry is known. Be realistic and know how much of a down payment you can afford. If you dont' have an amount then you probably are premature in the loan process unless you are taking the time know to learn about finding a oan that you can afford. "

Shopping the best online loans for refinance

Shopping the best online loans for refinance: "Finding The Best Online Loans From Lenders and Brokers

Refinance online loans are available from several types of online lenders...thrift institutions, commercial banks, mortgage companies, and credit unions. These lenders may quote you different prices, so you should contact several lenders to make sure you�re getting the best price. "

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Free annual credit report

Free annual credit report: "FREE ACCESS NOW TO PROTECT YOUR CREDIT
Do to security reasons you can go directly online and type www.annualcreditreport.com. This will take you to the website to order your report."

Your 3-in-1 Credit Report

Your Credit Report Personal Information: "To really get the FULL picture on your credit history, order a 3 in 1 credit-report. Not only will you get your complete history BUT your credit fico scores which are necessary to know where you are rated in the credit world. Review the following for your online credit report"

Step 3 To Improve Credit Score

8 Sure Fire Steps To Improve Credit Score: "Keep your balances 25% to no more 30% of your high limit
If your total approved credit line is $1500, do not to exceed $750. Keep the balance at 30% or $500 in this example. Do this and your credit score will be excellent. Potential creditors want to see responsibiitly in the way you manage your credit. This will definitely help improve credit score. "

Site Map for 101-credit-debt-finance.com

Site Map for 101-credit-debt-finance.com: "Site Map
Main Site

This Site Map is where you can find 101-credit-debt-finance.com information about helping to improve your credit situation. Feel free to browse around and click on any article or resource tha may interst you"

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Secret to dispute credit report items that incorrect, obselete and wrong!

Secret to dispute credit report items that incorrect, obselete and wrong!: "Dispute Credit Report Remarks

Fortunately under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), consumers have the right to dispute credit report remarks. If you 'reasonably believe' that your credit report to be inaccurate or"

Credit Repair Kit

Credit Repair Kit: "Bad Credit Quick Solutions?
If you discovered an erroneous reporting on your credit report do you know how to dispute credit report mistakes?
Did you know that you can have a derogatory item temporarily taken off your credit report while in full dispute thereby improving your credit score?
Find out the secret to getting your score boosted in 24 hours? "

Your Credit Report Personal Information

Your Credit Report Personal Information: "Here Is Some Basic Information On Your Credit Report
For personal information: your name and aliases, social security number , current and past addresses, employers past and present, how many credit inquiries were made in the last 60 days and public records and credit score.
The creditors segment show listings for current open accounts, closed accounts and derogatory accounts. They are further listed with the creditors name, account number, current balance, minimum monthly payment, last payment made, history of any 30 60 90 lates, past due payments, etc. "

Rapid rescore instantly can improve credit scores

Rapid rescore instantly can improve credit scores: "Rapid Rescore: Improve Bad Credit Within 72 Hours
You need to read this rapid rescore article if you are a seeking to buy a house or you are a home owner wanting to refinance but your bad credit is preventing you from talking to a lender"

Monday, January 17, 2005

Free Debt Solutions Ideas

Free Debt Solutions Ideas

If you're thinking about getting a credit counselor, here's an interesting article that could give you a heads up.....


When you find yourself thinking about using a credit counseling service, you need to be verycareful. You need someone who will help you, not just some pushy sales associate who wants
only to sign you up for their service.

The debt industry has grown dramatically as the American consumer has taken on an increasing loadof debt. This increased competition for the debt dollar has attracted some charlatans to the industry.

You need to be very careful you know with whom you are dealing.

You are about to place your financial life in someone else’’s hands. Make sure you have the answers to some questions before you do. Then make sure you like the answers to your questions. Here aresome for starters:

Is the counseling agency affiliated with major industry groups?

There are two major debt industry groups, The National Foundation for Credit Counseling and the Association of Independent Consumer Credit Counseling Agencies.

Affiliation with one of these is no guarantee you have a good agency but these groups do have a set of standards which need to be followed, so it is a start.

Are there large up front fees?

The credit counseling agency will usually charge a small fee to set up your account. They then will charge a fee to administer your plan each month.

If a large fee is required to begin your plan, watch out. Some companies have charged large up front fees and then disappeared with the clients money. You need to be sure the moneyyou are paying is going to your debts and not being syphoned into the pocket of your credit counselor.

Can you really do that for me?

Some credit counseling agencies make unrealistic promises. If statements made seem too good to be true, you need to pin them down. Settling your debts for little money or without
harming your credit rating are not realistic.

If they insist they can, ask for the promises in writing. Chances are they will not be willing to do this if they cannot deliver. If they do put it into writing, at least then you will have something to use for evidence if legal action becomes necessary.

Which of my creditors have you worked with in the past?

You have a list of your creditors. You want to compare it to the creditors they have worked with in the past. Have they been successful working with your creditors in reducing payments,lowering interest, and eliminating fees?

You need to know not all creditors will work with credit counselors. If all, or most, of your creditors have, or will, you should investigate these services further. If not, credit counseling
won’’t do you much good. To protect yourself, ask for a list (in writing) of any of yourcreditors they have worked with in the past.

Will my creditors be paid on time each month?

Two things come into play here. What are the due dates of each creditor and when during the month do you get paid?

Nothing defeats the purpose faster than paying a creditor late, afteryou have set up a new payment schedule.

Some credit counseling services use a set date each month to make payments from the money you have given them. If they don’’t have your creditors change the due date you could be
socked with late fees each month. Find a service that adjusts the due dates of your bills to work around the days you get paid.

How do I pay you each month?

The credit counselor can’’t pay your creditors until you pay them each month.

Will they remove money, each month, from your account with an electronic transfer or are you required to send them a guaranteed check or money order?

You want to make it as easy as possible for this plan to work. Look for a service that will withdraw funds from your account
automatically each month.

When and how often will I get statements of my accounts?

Just because you have turned over a portion of your financial life to someone else to run, does not mean you don’’t need to keep track of what is going on. Your statements should break
down your payments so you can see where the money is going.

How much is going to interest, how much to the principal balances, and how much is being paid to the credit
counseling service.

Who can I call?

When you have a problem or question can you speak with someone on the phone?

Are you able to speak to the same counselor each time? If not, how long does it take to return phone calls?

Do this up front. Make sure you can live with the answers you receive. Then test the service to see if they live up to what they have said. Check their service out before you sign on the
bottom line. If you find that you can’’t get questions answered or telephone calls returned look for another service. Going through credit counseling is stressful enough without any
added problems.

These questions will give you a good idea what kind of service you have found. There are other questions you may ask. If you think of any do not hesitate to ask and don’’t stop asking until you get the answers you need. It is your money.

About the Author
David Wilding has for the past ten year worked with groups and individuals to rid themselves of debt. Visit his website http://www.debtattack.com for ideas, tools, and strategies to live debt free.


Thanks for viewing,

Curt de la Cruz

Tips on finding the best mortgage rate

Tips on finding the best mortgage rate: "WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW WHEN COMPARING THE BEST MORTGAGE RATE
When comparing refinance loans for the best mortgage rate from several lenders or brokers be sure to have the loan agent explain the various types of loans available. It's probably best even for you to do a little homework on your own and get basic information on various loans. It will also take much of your time find the right lender who you can trust and do business with, so take your time."

Shopping the best online loans for refinance

Shopping the best online loans for refinance: "Finding The Best Online Loans From Lenders and Brokers

Refinance online loans are available from several types of online lenders...thrift institutions, commercial banks, mortgage companies, and credit unions. These lenders may quote you different prices, so you should contact several lenders to make sure you�re getting the best price. "

A consolidation debt loan could be the answer!

A consolidation debt loan could be the answer!: "LOANS THAT CONSOLIDATE DEBT

A consolidation debt loan can temporarily help you find monthly debt relief. They help you manage your credit debt. By all means this is not an end all answer to your credit problem. However with the proper mindset and discipline of budgeting, one can get their credit under control. "

Quickly improve your credit debt finance problems.

Best solutions to quickly improve your credit debt finance problems.: "THE SOLUTION
You can change your situation from a simple plan of action. This includes:
Creating a budget
Knowing your credit scrore
Understanding your credit report personal history
Having the resources to repair credit
Qualify for consolidation debt loans
Choosing a debt manangement program
Learning to manage your new found money.
Find out how to get a FREE credit report. "

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Why should I buy when I can get a free credit report?

Why should I buy when I can get a free credit report?: "Should I Get A Free Credit Report or Buy One?
Two Ways You Get A Free Credit Report

1- If you were recently denied credit you can order from the credit reporting service. You will need the confirmation number and credit reporting agency telephone number to request it.
2- Congress has enacted the free annual credit report. Find out more about the free report "

Did you know the importandceof Equifax and Your credit score?

Equifax and Your credit score.: "YOUR EQUIFAX CREDIT SCORE:
What This Company Credit Report Score Means To You!!

Your equifax credit score is a number that tells a potential lender how well you manage your bills and what the likelihood of you paying them back. The score is actually calculated by the FICO score model. This score is also part of the scoring system that major banks, lenders and creditors use. Yes I know, it almost sounds like a test score when you were going to school"

Why Is A Credit Score Important ?

Why Is A Credit Score Important yet so confusing ?: "Your credit score is a result of credit agencies gathering your credit information, as reported by your creditors every month. They use large databases to calculate a rating about you and your credit behavior.
In fact the three major credit reporting agencies Equifax, TransUnion and Experian set the credit reporting standard for major banks, lenders and credit companies. That's because they use an accurate formulation known as FICO. This stands for Fair Issac and Company and the FICO score utilizes many factors that determine credit scores. Besides the financial industry, the insurance and even employers are using credit scores as a way of determining your historical activity regarding credit is rated.
Here are some of the factors in determining your score:
Payment History
Amounts Owed
Length of Credit History
New Credit
Types of Credit in Use"

Did you know you could instantly improve your credit score?

Rapid rescore instantly can improve credit scores: " Rapid rescore is a method that can literally help you overnight to increase your credit score."

Have you check Credit Report Personal Information recently?

Your Credit Report Personal Information: "Did you know that the results can be inaccurately reported? Now you can learn to take actions to correct your credit score but you need to have copies of your history."

Simple Steps To Improve Credit Score

8 Sure Fire Steps To Improve Credit Score: "Here's 8 simple tips on how to improve credit score ratings:"

Do you want to improve your credit debt finance problems?

Best solutions to quickly improve your credit debt finance problems.: "Discover Insider Secrets of Credit Debt Finance That Will Gurantee Improvement!"

Site Map for 101-credit-debt-finance.com

Site Map for 101-credit-debt-finance.com

Saturday, January 15, 2005

This is why you need to get your credit report.....

Why Is A Credit Score Important yet so confusing ?: "How Important Is A Credit Score And Why Didn't My Mom Tell Me?

The importance of your credit score determines whether or not you get the best and lowest interest rates, the lowest insurance premium with the best coverage or get the job of your dreams! "

2 step plan to help you improve your credit score.

1 - You are qualified for a credit report free if you were denied credit in the last 60 days. Be sure to have the credit reporting agency name, confirmation number and a telephone number. Call the CRA and request your copy."

Need a loan, need to quickly improve your credit debt finance problems?

Best solutions to quickly improve your credit debt finance problems.: "Do Words like credit debt finance haunt you at night?
Are you tired of creditors calling your house!
Want To Increase Your Credit Score Fast!
Need a better rate on a mortgage?"

Friday, January 14, 2005

If you're shopping online for a consolidation loan you need.....

Why Is A Credit Score Important yet so confusing ?: "How Important Is A Credit Score And Why Didn't My Mom Tell Me?
IMPORTANCE "...You need to know the score, that is your credit score. If it is low, you'll be paying through the nose....

If you're shopping online for a consolidation loan you need.....

Why Is A Credit Score Important yet so confusing ?: "How Important Is A Credit Score And Why Didn't My Mom Tell Me?
IMPORTANCE "...You need to know the score, that is your credit score. If it is low, you'll be paying through the nose....

Tips on finding the best mortgage rate

Tips on finding the best mortgage rate: "WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW WHEN COMPARING THE BEST MORTGAGE RATE

How to Shop the best online loans for refinance

Shopping the best online loans for refinance: "Finding The Best Online Loans From Lenders and Brokers

Refinance online loans are available from several types of online lenders..."

It's January and ...A consolidation debt loan could be the answer!

A consolidation debt loan could be the answer!: "LOANS THAT CONSOLIDATE DEBT

A consolidation debt loan can temporarily help you find monthly debt relief. They help you manage your credit debt. By all means this is not an end all answer to your credit problem. However with the proper mindset and discipline of budgeting, one can get their credit under control."

Thursday, January 13, 2005

PRESS RELEASE: Discover Insider Secrets of Credit Debt Finance That Will Gurantee Improvement!

PRESS RELEASE: Discover Insider Secrets of Credit Debt Finance That Will Gurantee Improvement!: " All Press Releases for January 5, 2005
Discover Insider Secrets of Credit Debt Finance That Will Gurantee Improvement!
Finding the best solutions to quickly improve your credit debt finance problems can be a daunting task. 101 credit debt finance.com provides an excellent self help online tutorial that is free to use to educate oneself with the basic knowledge, resources, product reviews and tips to eliminate credit debt.
(PRWEB) January "

Find out how to get qualified in a debt relief program.

What it takes to get qualified in a debt relief program: "How Do You Qualify For A Debt Relief Program?

When qualifying for a debt relief program you will be asked to provide important information used determine if this type of plan will benefit you"

WARNING: What to consider in debt relief plans

What to consider in debt relief plans: "How to Consider Debt Relief Plans

Debt reduction plans are not intended as an easy way to get out of debt. Creditors will approve your participation in a debt relieves plan if you are in need of assistance AND it's important to understand that in exchange for the benefits they provide your creditors will want you to do the following: "

Can Debt Management do anything for you?...You'd be surprised.

What can Debt Management do for me?: "A debt relief plan created by a debt management service can offer many benefits that can help you control your unsecured debts. They are intended to help you if you're delinquent or have difficulty making your regular minimum payments. They offer a good alternative to filing bankruptcy."

What other kinds of debt solutions can you learn?

Free Debt Solutions Ideas: "The Purpose of a Debt Solutions Program

A debt management solution plan will educate you on your personal financial management. It will cover important areas that range from learning to be a: smarter credit consumer, practical budgeter, smarter saver and how to handle debt problems. As a result you learn more about financial principles, how they apply to you, and how to use the simple techniques to manage your finances successfully."

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Secret to dispute credit report items that incorrect, obselete and wrong!

Secret to dispute credit report items that incorrect, obselete and wrong!: "Dispute Credit Report Remarks Is Not That Difficult
With your credit report review the items you believe to be inaccurate, incomplete or obsolete. As an example, you see that your report is showing a $900 balance on your Master Card account; your account is in collections but you know your balance is only $800 and can show proof. This is inaccurate, now you have the right to dispute the whole account."

Credit Repair Kit

Credit Repair Kit: "Before you go to a credit counselor find out how a Credit Repair Kit can save You over $500 to $700 for a service that You can do."

Here's one company that will help fix your problem....Equifax and Your credit score.

Equifax and Your credit score.: "YOUR EQUIFAX CREDIT SCORE:
What This Company Credit Report Score Means To You!!...why you need to know about this company"

Your Credit Report Personal Information

Your Credit Report Personal Information: "
A credit report is a history of your credit as reported by creditors you currently are using or have used in the past....this is the place where you gather the facts to fix your problem.... "

Improve the problem...8 Sure Fire Steps To Improve Credit Score

8 Sure Fire Steps To Improve Credit Score: "Anyone Can Improve Credit Score Ratings With These 8 Sure Fire Tactics!...Can you? You sure can, find out how."

Credit Debt...Where is the problem?

HERE'S THE PROBLEM...and You're Not Alone!

In the world of credit and debt it is estimated that over 75 million people have less than perfect credit. That's a stagering number and there has been a whole industry built around this growing problem. From the deluge of credit card junk mail you get everyday to the TV advertisements telling it's ok to file bankruptcy! It's never ending

Curt de la Cruz

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Rapid rescore instantly can improve credit scores

Rapid rescore instantly can improve credit scores: "THE PROOF WILL GIVE YOU THE PUDDING ...that is your improved credit score in 72 hours!!"

Rapid rescore instantly can improve credit scores

Rapid rescore instantly can improve credit scores: "HOW IT WORKS ....that is the 72 hour turnaround time to improve your credit score!"

Rapid rescore instantly can improve credit scores

Rapid rescore instantly can improve credit scores: "Improve Bad Credit Within 72 Hours" that's right! Find out the details as it's outline in the above website.

..Rapid rescore instantly can improve credit scores

Rapid rescore instantly can improve credit scores: "BUYING A HOUSE OR REFINANCING?...but if you've been scouting around for a loan, hopefully you have, and found out your credit score is way way low BUT you know and have proof that the credit report is wrong...guess what?.....find out from the website above"

Monday, January 10, 2005

Rapid rescore instantly can improve credit scores

Rapid Rescore: Improve Bad Credit Within 72 Hours BUYING A HOUSE OR REFINANCING? You need to read this rapid rescore article if you are a seeking to buy a house or you are a home owner wanting to refinance but your bad credit is preventing you from talking to a lender. There are any number of bad credit home loans and bad credit mortgages that are available to consumers wanting to qualify for these loans. Rapid rescore is a method that can literally help you overnight to increase your credit s..

Why should I buy when I can get a free credit report?

Should I Get A Free Credit Report or Buy One? Two Ways You Get A Free Credit Report 1- If you were recently denied credit you can order from the credit reporting service. You will need the confirmation number and credit reporting agency telephone number to request it. 2- Congress has enacted the free annual credit report. Find out more about the free report In each case, you are allowed once per year to get a free report. If you were denied and order the free credit history you will be able to..

What is the fico score?

Why is the fico score important and why should I know about it? Fico Score: A Little History In Credit Score it was explained that credit agencies gathering your credit information and use large databases to calculate your rate, which happens to be the fico. This stands for Fair Issac and Company and the score was primarily used in lending transactions. It utilizes many factors that determine a rating. In additions to lending industry, the insurance and even employers are using credit scores a..

Equifax and Your credit score.

YOUR EQUIFAX CREDIT SCORE: What This Company Credit Report Score Means To You!! Your equifax credit score is a number that tells a potential lender how well you manage your bills and what the likelihood of you paying them back. The score is actually calculated by the FICO score model. This score is also part of the scoring system that major banks, lenders and creditors use. Yes I know, it almost sounds like a test score when you were going to school! Although there are over 1200 hundred CRA's..

Why Is A Credit Score Important yet so confusing ?

How Important Is A Credit Score And Why Didn't My Mom Tell Me? IMPORTANCE The importance of your credit score determines whether or not you get the best and lowest interest rates, the lowest insurance premium with the best coverage or get the job of your dreams! In other words you have the potential to get a better deal. LET'S KEEP MOM OUT OF THIS :) With that said and that was a mouthful, what the heck does that mean if you don't have an excellent score? And by the way your mother never told y..

What to look for in a debt management solutions company.

A Debt Management Solutions Plan Can Be Categorized In Various Ways: The following guidelines for a debt management solutions company will give you a basic understanding on what and how to evaluate. credit counseling debt management credit assistance Types Of Plans For Your Unsecured Debts Here are repayment plans that help debt as you pay off unsecured debts. Unsecured debts typically are: Credit cards Department store cards Medical bills Legal fees Student loans Accounts in collectio..

Debt elimination in 7 and 1/2 years!

DEBT ELIMINATION: HOW TO DO IT 7.5 YEARS WITH YOUR PRESENT INCOME! You Don't Find Your Credit Card or Lenders Teaching Debt Elimination , Why? The KEY to this potent debt elimination concept is that 10% portion of your income will be temporarily set aside to pay extra on your bills in a very specific sequence. It's Flexible The amount can obviously be more to make the payoff occur faster. It can also be less, but the payoff of course will take longer. This is a very powerful concept and one..

What it takes to get qualified in a debt relief program

Do You Have The Guts To Take On Debt Relief Program?..Sure You Do! How Do You Qualify For A Debt Relief Program? When qualifying for a debt relief program you will be asked to provide important information used determine if this type of plan will benefit you. Usually the first step is to provide personal information and complete a budget analysis to determine if this is the right program for you. Creditor information is entered, a new monthly payment amount is then calculated. Based on the r..

What to consider in debt relief plans

What You Need To Understand About Debt Relief Plans! How to Consider Debt Relief Plans WARNING: Debt reduction plans are not intended as an easy way to get out of debt. Creditors will approve your participation in a debt relieves plan if you are in need of assistance AND it's important to understand that in exchange for the benefits they provide your creditors will want you to do the following: Have you place all your unsecured accounts on the plan. This is your commitment to reduce your debt..

What can Debt Management do for me?

WHAT CAN DEBT MANAGEMENT DO FOR ME? If you're in financial distress, debt management companies, also known as credit counseling, will work with your creditors to restructure your unsecured debt. A debt relief plan is designed to have you make one monthly payment to them and they will pay your creditors. Credit counseling do not loan you money however they negotiate with your current creditors to get you towards debt free living. A debt relief plan created by a debt management service can offe..

Tips on finding the best mortgage rate

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW WHEN COMPARING THE BEST MORTGAGE RATE FIND OUT WHAT THE COSTS WILL BE WHEN A REFINANCE MORTGAGE IS YOUR PLAN FOR THE BEST MORTGAGE RATE, DO YOUR HOMEWORK FIRST When comparing refinance loans for the best mortgage rate from several lenders or brokers be sure to have the loan agent explain the various types of loans available. It's probably best even for you to do a little homework on your own and get basic information on various loans. It will also take much of your time fi..

Shopping the best online loans for refinance

HOW TO SHOP FOR THE BEST ONLINE LOANS: Finding The Best Online Loans From Lenders and Brokers Refinance online loans are available from several types of online lenders...thrift institutions, commercial banks, mortgage companies, and credit unions. These lenders may quote you different prices, so you should contact several lenders to make sure you’re getting the best price. AREN'T LENDERS THE BEST CHOICE WHEN GETTING A LOAN? Working with online lenders or direct lenders do have certain advantag..

Secret to dispute credit report items that incorrect, obselete and wrong!

Secrets To Dispute Credit Report Items That Are Incorrect, Obselete and Wrong! Dispute Credit Report Remarks Fortunately under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), consumers have the right to dispute credit report remarks. If you "reasonably believe" that your credit report to be inaccurate or incomplete this act requires the credit agencies to reinvestigate those disputed items within a "reasonable period of time" which is interpreted by the Federal Trade Commission as thirty (30) days. If t..

Free annual credit report

FREE ANNUAL CREDIT REPORT: MAJOR BREAK THROUGH FOR THE CONSUMER: ANNUAL CREDIT REPORT On December 1, 2004 the free annual credit reports is now in effect after Congress passed the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003. That means the three major credit bureaus are required by law to issue free credit reports once a year. Consumers can request their reports online, by telephone or mail. The roll out started in only 13 Western states. Consumers in Midwestern states can order the free..

Best solutions to quickly improve your credit debt finance problems.

Discover Insider Secrets of Credit Debt Finance That Will Gurantee Improvement! Do Words like credit debt finance haunt you at night? Are you tired of creditors calling your house! Want To Increase Your Credit Score Fast! Need a better rate on a mortgage? If you are confused about your credit debt finance problems but don't know where to start!...You've come to the right place. Welcome! There are hundreds of people everyday who feel frustrated and often times feel powerless to know what to..

Link To Us

Link To Us Hello, If you've found this site helpful, we would really appreciate a link to us from your site to ours. It's really simple, using the code below, provide us a link from your site. It's easy and only takes a minute to do so. Thanks in advance. YOU CAN USE AS A SAMPLE OR CREATE YOUR OWN TEXT: Eliminate your bad credit. Learn the secrets to repairing a tarnished credit report. Get step by methods that are proven to quickly increase your score! Eliminate your bad credit.Learn the s..

A consolidation debt loan could be the answer!

CONSOLIDATION DEBT LOAN : ARE YOU TRAPPED BY YOUR CREDIT? NOT ENOUGH MONEY LEFT? LOANS THAT CONSOLIDATE DEBT A consolidation debt loan can temporarily help you find monthly debt relief. They help you manage your credit debt. By all means this is not an end all answer to your credit problem. However with the proper mindset and discipline of budgeting, one can get their credit under control. These consolidation debt loans only work best if you have multiple credit cards, installment accounts, c..

Free Debt Solutions Ideas

DEBT SOLUTIONS: You need debt solutions if you're feeling overwhelmed by your debts, have trouble making timely payments or even feel you're not getting ahead of your credit card debts. A debt management plan may be the answer controlling to your finances. The Purpose of a Debt Solutions Program A debt management solution plan will educate you on your personal financial management. It will cover important areas that range from learning to be a: smarter credit consumer, practical budgeter, sm..

Credit Repair Kit

Do It Yourself Credit Repair Kit Can Save You Big Money! Before you go to a credit counselor find out how a Credit Repair Kit can save You over $500 to $700 for a service that You can do. Isn't it frustrating and annoying to discover we have a bad credit being reported on our credit report. Take this opportunity for constructive action and begin making corrections your credit. Bad Credit Quick Solutions? If you discovered an erroneous reporting on your credit report do you know how to dispute..

Your Credit Report Personal Information

DO YOU REALLY KNOW ABOUT YOUR CREDIT REPORT? A credit report is a history of your credit as reported by creditors you currently are using or have used in the past. Did you know that the results can be inaccurately reported? Now you can learn to take actions to correct your credit score but you need to have copies of your history. Reviewing your report will help you see what the creditors are reporting. These reports are not perfect and information may not be accurate. You need to closely ch..

A consolidation debt loan could be the answer!

CONSOLIDATION DEBT LOAN : ARE YOU TRAPPED BY YOUR CREDIT? NOT ENOUGH MONEY LEFT? LOANS THAT CONSOLIDATE DEBT A consolidation debt loan can temporarily help you find monthly debt relief. They help you manage your credit debt. By all means this is not an end all answer to your credit problem. However with the proper mindset and discipline of budgeting, one can get their credit under control. These consolidation debt loans only work best if you have multiple credit cards, installment accounts, c..

Free Debt Solutions Ideas

DEBT SOLUTIONS: You need debt solutions if you're feeling overwhelmed by your debts, have trouble making timely payments or even feel you're not getting ahead of your credit card debts. A debt management plan may be the answer controlling to your finances. The Purpose of a Debt Solutions Program A debt management solution plan will educate you on your personal financial management. It will cover important areas that range from learning to be a: smarter credit consumer, practical budgeter, sm..

Credit Repair Kit

Do It Yourself Credit Repair Kit Can Save You Big Money! Before you go to a credit counselor find out how a Credit Repair Kit can save You over $500 to $700 for a service that You can do. Isn't it frustrating and annoying to discover we have a bad credit being reported on our credit report. Take this opportunity for constructive action and begin making corrections your credit. Bad Credit Quick Solutions? If you discovered an erroneous reporting on your credit report do you know how to dispute..

Your Credit Report Personal Information

DO YOU REALLY KNOW ABOUT YOUR CREDIT REPORT? A credit report is a history of your credit as reported by creditors you currently are using or have used in the past. Did you know that the results can be inaccurately reported? Now you can learn to take actions to correct your credit score but you need to have copies of your history. Reviewing your report will help you see what the creditors are reporting. These reports are not perfect and information may not be accurate. You need to closely ch..

8 Sure Fire Steps To Improve Credit Score

Anyone Can Improve Credit Score Ratings With These 8 Sure Fire Tactics! Here's 8 simple tips on how to improve credit score ratings: 1 - Pay all your bills on time Payments received after the due date jeopardize your credit score because creditors automatically send updated reports to credit reporting agencies. TIP: Pay your bills before the grace period BEGINS! Credit Deptments are overwhelmed with the workload don't trust they will post your payment on time. This will help to improve credit..

Best solutions to quickly improve your credit debt finance problems.

Discover Insider Secrets of Credit Debt Finance That Will Gurantee Improvement! Do Words like credit debt finance haunt you at night? Are you tired of creditors calling your house! Want To Increase Your Credit Score Fast! Need a better rate on a mortgage? If you are confused about your credit debt finance problems but don't know where to start!...You've come to the right place. Welcome! There are hundreds of people everyday who feel frustrated and often times feel powerless to know what to..

Site Map for 101-credit-debt-finance.com

Site Map Main Site This Site Map is where you can find 101-credit-debt-finance.com information about helping to improve your credit situation. Feel free to browse around and click on any article or resource tha may interst you. HOME IMPROVE CREDIT SCORE CREDIT REPORT FREE ANNUAL CREDIT REPORT CREDIT SCORE EQUIFAX CREDIT REPAIR KIT DEBT SOLUTIONS CONSOLIDATION DEBT LOAN ONLINE LOANS BEST MORTGAGE RATE DEBT MANAGEMENT DEBT RELIEF DEBT RELIEF PROGRAM DEBT ELIMINATION DEBT MANAGEMENT-SOLUTIONS F..

Best solutions to quickly improve your credit debt finance problems.

Discover Insider Secrets of Credit Debt Finance That Will Gurantee Improvement! Do Words like credit debt finance haunt you at night? Are you tired of creditors calling your house! Want To Increase Your Credit Score Fast! Need a better rate on a mortgage? If you are confused about your credit debt finance problems but don't know where to start!...You've come to the right place. Welcome! There are hundreds of people everyday who feel frustrated and often times feel powerless to know what to..

Best solutions to quickly improve your credit debt finance problems.

Discover Insider Secrets of Credit Debt Finance That Will Gurantee Improvement! Do Words like credit debt finance haunt you at night? Are you tired of creditors calling your house! Want To Increase Your Credit Score Fast! Need a better rate on a mortgage? If you are confused about your credit debt finance problems but don't know where to start!...You've come to the right place. Welcome! There are hundreds of people everyday who feel frustrated and often times feel powerless to know what to..

Why should I buy when I can get a free credit report?

Should I Get A Free Credit Report or Buy One? Two Ways You Get A Free Credit Report 1- If you were recently denied credit you can order from the credit reporting service. You will need the confirmation number and credit reporting agency telephone number to request it. 2- Congress has enacted the free annual credit report. Find out more about the free report In each case, you are allowed once per year to get a free report. If you were denied and order the free credit history you will be able to s..

What is the fico score?

Why is the fico score important and why should I know about it? Fico Score: A Little History In Credit Score it was explained that credit agencies gathering your credit information and use large databases to calculate your rate, which happens to be the fico. This stands for Fair Issac and Company and the score was primarily used in lending transactions. It utilizes many factors that determine a rating. In additions to lending industry, the insurance and even employers are using credit scores as..

Equifax and Your credit score.

YOUR EQUIFAX CREDIT SCORE: What This Company Credit Report Score Means To You!! Your equifax credit score is a number that tells a potential lender how well you manage your bills and what the likelihood of you paying them back. The score is actually calculated by the FICO score model. This score is also part of the scoring system that major banks, lenders and creditors use. Yes I know, it almost sounds like a test score when you were going to school! Although there are over 1200 hundred CRA's a..

Why Is A Credit Score Important yet so confusing ?

How Important Is A Credit Score And Why Didn't My Mom Tell Me? IMPORTANCE The importance of your credit score determines whether or not you get the best and lowest interest rates, the lowest insurance premium with the best coverage or get the job of your dreams! In other words you have the potential to get a better deal. LET'S KEEP MOM OUT OF THIS :) With that said and that was a mouthful, what the heck does that mean if you don't have an excellent score? And by the way your mother never told yo..

What to look for in a debt management solutions company.

A Debt Management Solutions Plan Can Be Categorized In Various Ways: The following guidelines for a debt management solutions company will give you a basic understanding on what and how to evaluate. credit counseling debt management credit assistance Types Of Plans For Your Unsecured Debts Here are repayment plans that help debt as you pay off unsecured debts. Unsecured debts typically are: Credit cards Department store cards Medical bills Legal fees Student loans Accounts in collection..

Debt elimination in 7 and 1/2 years!

DEBT ELIMINATION: HOW TO DO IT 7.5 YEARS WITH YOUR PRESENT INCOME! You Don't Find Your Credit Card or Lenders Teaching Debt Elimination , Why? The KEY to this potent debt elimination concept is that 10% portion of your income will be temporarily set aside to pay extra on your bills in a very specific sequence. It's Flexible The amount can obviously be more to make the payoff occur faster. It can also be less, but the payoff of course will take longer. This is a very powerful concept and one me..

What it takes to get qualified in a debt relief program

Do You Have The Guts To Take On Debt Relief Program?..Sure You Do! How Do You Qualify For A Debt Relief Program? When qualifying for a debt relief program you will be asked to provide important information used determine if this type of plan will benefit you. Usually the first step is to provide personal information and complete a budget analysis to determine if this is the right program for you. Creditor information is entered, a new monthly payment amount is then calculated. Based on the res..

Shopping the best online loans for refinance

HOW TO SHOP FOR THE BEST ONLINE LOANS: Finding the best online loans from Lenders and Brokers Refinance online loans are available from several types of online lenders...thrift institutions, commercial banks, mortgage companies, and credit unions. These lenders may quote you different prices, so you should contact several lenders to make sure you’re getting the best price. AREN'T LENDERS THE BEST CHOICE WHEN GETTING A LOAN? Working with online lenders or direct lenders do have certain advantage..

What to consider in debt relief plans

What You Need To Understand About Debt Relief Plans! How to Consider Debt Relief Plans WARNING: Debt reduction plans are not intended as an easy way to get out of debt. Creditors will approve your participation in a debt relieves plan if you are in need of assistance AND it's important to understand that in exchange for the benefits they provide your creditors will want you to do the following: Have you place all your unsecured accounts on the plan. This is your commitment to reduce your debt t..

What can Debt Management do for me?

WHAT CAN DEBT MANAGEMENT DO FOR ME? If you're in financial distress, debt management companies, also known as credit counseling, will work with your creditors to restructure your unsecured debt. A debt relief plan is designed to have you make one monthly payment to them and they will pay your creditors. Credit counseling do not loan you money however they negotiate with your current creditors to get you towards debt free living. A debt relief plan created by a debt management service can offer..

Tips on finding the best mortgage rate

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW WHEN COMPARING THE BEST MORTGAGE RATE FIND OUT WHAT THE COSTS WILL BE WHEN A REFINANCE MORTGAGE IS YOUR PLAN FOR THE BEST MORTGAGE RATE, DO YOUR HOMEWORK FIRST When comparing refinance loans for the best mortgage rate from several lenders or brokers be sure to have the loan agent explain the various types of loans available. It's probably best even for you to do a little homework on your own and get basic information on various loans. It will also take much of your time fi..

Secret to dispute credit report items that incorrect, obselete and wrong!

Secrets To Dispute Credit Report Items That Are Incorrect, Obselete and Wrong! Dispute Credit Report Remarks Fortunately under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), consumers have the right to dispute credit report remarks. If you "reasonably believe" that your credit report to be inaccurate or incomplete this act requires the credit agencies to reinvestigate those disputed items within a "reasonable period of time" which is interpreted by the Federal Trade Commission as thirty (30) days. If th..

Free annual credit report

FREE ANNUAL CREDIT REPORT: MAJOR BREAK THROUGH FOR THE CONSUMER: ANNUAL CREDIT REPORT On December 1, 2004 the free annual credit reports is now in effect after Congress passed the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003. That means the three major credit bureaus are required by law to issue free credit reports once a year. Consumers can request their reports online, by telephone or mail. The roll out started in only 13 Western states. Consumers in Midwestern states can order the free r..

Best solutions to quickly improve your credit debt finance problems.

Discover Insider Secrets of Credit Debt Finance That Will Gurantee Improvement! Do Words like credit debt finance haunt you at night? Are you tired of creditors calling your house! Want To Increase Your Credit Score Fast! Need a better rate on a mortgage? If you are confused about your credit debt finance problems but don't know where to start!...You've come to the right place. Welcome! There are hundreds of people everyday who feel frustrated and often times feel powerless to know what to..

Link To Us

Link To Us Hello, If you've found this site helpful, we would really appreciate a link to us from your site to ours. It's really simple, using the code below, provide us a link from your site. It's easy and only takes a minute to do so. Thanks in advance. YOU CAN USE AS A SAMPLE OR CREATE YOUR OWN TEXT: Eliminate your bad credit. Learn the secrets to repairing a tarnished credit report. Get step by methods that are proven to quickly increase your score! Eliminate your bad credit.Learn the s..

If you're thinking about debt management..READ THIS

What Will a Good Debt Consolidation Program Do for You?

Hello Everyone,

Here's a excellent article worth mentioning. If you are considering a debt management company there are some points to consider. Just be sure you ask many questions about your credit situation. Go online to and find sites that offer free articles and tips. Also try and have an alternate plan that you can do yourself instead of an outside program. With this plan you can compare it with the professional service. Good luck!

Curt de la Cruz


What Will a Good Debt Consolidation Program Do for You?

First off, a debt consolidation program is not a loan, it doesn't provide a free ride, and it won't get rid of your debts. These programs are set up primarily to help you get your interest rates reduced, eliminate late-payment fees and other charges, and lower your monthly payments - on your unsecured debt - to a level that both you and your creditors can live with. Note that these programs only deal with unsecured (credit card, personal loans, and medical bills) debt.
Organizations like the various Consumer Credit Counseling Services and Myvesta.org can help you set up a debt re-payment that pays off your debts in three to five years or so. But understand that participating in a debt consolidation program will in all likelihood affect your credit report because some creditors see your participation in such a plan as an admission that you're unable to properly manage your finances.

All reputable credit counseling organizations will provide the following services when setting up your debt consolidation program:

* After providing them with your relevant financial details, including both secured and unsecured debts, the account number of your unsecured creditors, etc. your income, your marital and familial status, a counselor will help you work out a budget to determine how much you can apply toward debt repayment.

* The agency will work directly with your creditors to develop a specific repayment plan that you can all live with

* You make a monthly payment directly to the agency, which, in turn, will pay your creditors on your behalf.

* Normally the credit card and other accounts that are being paid off through the debt consolidation plan are either closed or frozen until the debts are paid in full.

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A consolidation debt loan could be the answer!

CONSOLIDATION DEBT LOAN : ARE YOU TRAPPED BY YOUR CREDIT? NOT ENOUGH MONEY LEFT? LOANS THAT CONSOLIDATE DEBT A consolidation debt loan can temporarily help you find monthly debt relief. They help you manage your credit debt. By all means this is not an end all answer to your credit problem. However with the proper mindset and discipline of budgeting, one can get their credit under control. These consolidation debt loans only work best if you have multiple credit cards, installment accounts, c..

Free Debt Solutions Ideas

DEBT SOLUTIONS: You need debt solutions if you're feeling overwhelmed by your debts, have trouble making timely payments or even feel you're not getting ahead of your credit card debts. A debt management plan may be the answer controlling to your finances. The Purpose of a Debt Solutions Program A debt management solution plan will educate you on your personal financial management. It will cover important areas that range from learning to be a: smarter credit consumer, practical budgeter, sm..

Credit Repair Kit

Do It Yourself Credit Repair Kit Can Save You Big Money! Before you go to a credit counselor find out how a Credit Repair Kit can save You over $500 to $700 for a service that You can do. Isn't it frustrating and annoying to discover we have a bad credit being reported on our credit report. Take this opportunity for constructive action and begin making corrections your credit. Bad Credit Quick Solutions? If you discovered an erroneous reporting on your credit report do you know how to dispute..