How to Pull Money from Thin Air....
Yes this sounds like some sort of Houdini thing. But think about it for a moment, it can be done.
You see, if you are on a tight budget or need to be on a budget to save your money then a little creativity ('Thin Air') can save you quite a bit of your hard earned money.
I recently made a big purchase, I bought a new car. By the time I added the new car payment and increased car insurance....Ouch!
So...How much can you save??
well that's really up to you. I am on a tight budget so my mind is always thinking (your mindset) of ways I can cut back on my spending.
Now I only have only so much money left over for myself, which is not very much.
So what am I doing?
I have created a system that seems to be working for me. You should create a system that works for you too.
What I did was divided my left over living expenses into $30 units. For me it seems that $30 is the average expense I use, such as buying gas or going to the grocery or taking my son to the movies.
Now for you it might be different, you just need to find out your units of spending.
The idea behind this is to limit the number of units you spend each week.
Make a real goal and stick to it.
The other motivator is to review your check book and start dumping all the unnecessary things that you buy such as buying coffee at Starbucks, going to the movies every week or magazine subscriptions...You get the picture right?
By doing this you've created extra money out of thin air!
Remember, you've got to create a system and you got to start now.
Here is a great article to put things into perspective if you are seriously in the mindset to save money.
Check it out....
Cash slips between cracks -- Nearly half of Americans lose track of at least $2,340 each year.
Thanks for viewing,
BTW, for more ways to save money visit: